The Voice of Butte College
since 1997
Student Life
Land Acknowledgement Policy
Leo O'Neill, Vice President, Native American Club
To Whom It May Concern,
As a college community, we acknowledge that we are situated on the traditional lands of the Maidu people, as well as other Indigenous peoples. We recognize the importance of honoring and respecting the sovereignty, culture, and history of the Indigenous communities who have
lived on and cared for these lands since time immemorial.
As such, we have established the following guidelines for acknowledging the Indigenous peoples of this area:
Recommended: We encourage all members of the college community to use a formal land acknowledgment at the beginning of events, meetings, and ceremonies. This acknowledgment should include the traditional names of the Maidu people and the specific territory they are from, as well as the names and territories of any other Indigenous peoples who may have been displaced or impacted by colonization in this area.
Optional: We understand that some members of the college community may not feel comfortable or confident in using a formal land acknowledgment. We support individuals in choosing their own way of acknowledging the Indigenous peoples of this area, whether through informal acknowledgment or other means.
Not Recommended: We discourage the use of a generic or superficial land acknowledgment that does not accurately reflect the Indigenous history and presence of this area. It is important to note that a land acknowledgment is not the only way to honor and support Indigenous peoples.
We also encourage members of the college community to engage in ongoing education, allyship, and action to support Indigenous rights, sovereignty, and cultural revitalization, including initiatives that specifically support the Maidu people and other local Indigenous communities.
We recognize that this policy is just one step towards decolonization and reconciliation. We are committed to continuing to learn, listen, and act toward a more just and equitable future for all.
Basic Needs Center Basics
Emma Peterson
The Basic Needs Center, located on the main campus in the Roadrunner Hub (formerly known as the Regional Testing Center), provides housing and hygiene resources, a huge food pantry, and assistance in applying for Cal Fresh.
Hygiene resources include sanitary products ranging from shampoo and conditioner to condoms and tampons. Shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste are limited to one person as needed since they last longer, but tampons and condoms are always available. On top of products, the shelter also provides shower and locker uses for our unhoused students.
Roadrunner Hub Pantry Supply
April 13, 2023. Oroville, Ca.
Photo taken by Emma Peterson
When asked about the importance of this program Thao Maisue said, “I applied to Cal-Fresh my last semester of college, I know the stress. I feel this is a way to holistically serve our students. Making the college student ready, not the other way around.” In addition, to help with Cal-Fresh students can also apply for emergency gift cards and receive assistance with community outreach programs.
The Basic Needs Center is an incredible resource for students who may be struggling with food insecurity. The center requests students take only two canned products each but encourage taking as much fresh produce as they need. Call 530-895-2311 with questions.
Photo Essay: A Day Working at Chipotle
Dillon Tharp, guest contributor
March 20, 2023. Chico, CA.
Photos taken by Dillon Tharp
A view of the front of Chipotle as I arrive barely making it on time.
As I walk into the building I can smell the aroma of the chicken on the grill and the sweat of overworked employees. Ana, my manager in the back is especially feeling it today.
Goodbye Chipotle. See you another day.
A view of the front of Chipotle as I arrive barely making it on time.
Work-Life Balance
Maggie Smith, guest contributor
Everyone who works full-time needs to strike a work-life balance.
"Marissa" (not her real name) is working on finding a way to strike this balance. "Marissa" knew she wanted to be an accountant from a young age. In school, crunching numbers and mathematics had always been her strong suit. Work-related stress and anxiety, such as deadlines, performance pressure, and work overload, have made "Marissa" feels underappreciated, and not receiving recognition or appreciation for hard work can lead to feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction with the job.
"Almost two-thirds (64 percent) of the employees surveyed said they plan to leave their current job. The top five reasons include lack of opportunity for growth, wanting a change or to do something new, being unsatisfied with compensation or benefits, feeling underappreciated; and feeling pigeonholed or stuck in their position. Nearly half (47 percent) of employees wished their company would gain better visibility into their skills, and more than 43 percent would like opportunities to work on projects outside of their job description" (Leadership for Employers).
Marissa was not surprised that people felt this way after discussing it with her because she, too, has similar feelings.
Finding time to spend with family and friends was crucial for Marissa in reassuring herself that what she was doing was the right thing for her. I first asked Marissa to describe how she felt when she considered switching careers.
"My friends and family supported me through a depressive episode and helped me regain my self-worth," she continued. “They assisted me in developing a new schedule so that I would not be so preoccupied with work. Previously, I would go to work every morning, work my butt off, and work overtime. However, after experiencing severe burnout, I realized I wouldn't be able to live like this indefinitely."
Marissa decided to out herself first after consulting with friends and family. Work was no longer her life; it was still a part of her day, but it no longer consumed her. Marissa has always enjoyed working out and socializing, so she devised ways to incorporate both into her workday, and her routine is now something she looks forward to.
She begins her day with a bike ride to work to get her blood flowing and her mind clear. This improves her mental focus and boosts her productivity at work. She goes to the gym with her sister during her lunch break to socialize and keep their bodies moving after many hours of sitting. She returns to work after lunch, but she does not feel the dread she once did, and her energy is higher than ever now that she is working out at lunch.
I asked Marissa how she was feeling right now and how much her new daily routine had changed her mood after we went through it together. She continues, "I no longer feel sluggish. I'm not trying to stay awake all the time, and I don't need outside validation for the work I'm doing. Now that I am aware of other wonderful aspects of my life to enjoy, I am much more motivated to finish all my tasks.
Everyone benefits from having a work-life balance, and there are many benefits. Reducing stress and anxiety by juggling work and personal obligations can enhance both mental and physical health.
A well-balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise and healthy eating habits can lower the risk of developing health problems. Spending time with loved ones and friends helps people maintain bonds and create a network of support. Breaking away from the office and participating in leisure pursuits can increase output and job satisfaction while lowering burnout and enhancing overall performance.
The development of one's self-esteem and confidence can be aided by hobbies, learning new skills, and personal development activities. A balanced lifestyle allows one to prioritize self-care, which includes getting enough sleep, managing stress, and engaging in mindfulness exercises, all of which enhance general well-being. As well as enhancing problem-solving abilities and fostering innovation, engaging in leisure activities, and pursuing personal interests can foster creativity.
Addressing these mental struggles is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and general well-being. You might need to modify your work practices, establish boundaries, give your personal time, and more importantly achieve a healthy work-life balance. The benefits are well worth the effort for improving your overall well-being and quality of life.