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Student Life

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If you could go to either the past or the future,
which would you rather go to?

Erica, Communication Science major

Erica, Communication Science major

Future: “I can prepare for the future.”

Mana, Sociology major

Mana, Sociology major

Past: “I want to make sure that the facts told in history are true.”

Tiara, Art Major

Tiara, Art Major

Future: “I’ll better place or have a boyfriend.”

Shoko, Political Science major

Shoko, Political Science major

Past: “If I could change the past, I would. I wanted to study more.”

Caesar, Psychology major

Caesar, Psychology major

Future: “Just see what I am doing.”

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite holiday?

(Left) Warren Fekeith, Computer Science major. (Right) Eduardo Munoz-Frieas, Engineering major

(Left) Warren Fekeith, Computer Science major. (Right) Eduardo Munoz-Frieas, Engineering major

Warren: “My favorite holiday is Christmas because I just like giving presents to people and spending time with family.” Eduardo: “Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I meet my family and be grateful for everything. On the day, we have Thanksgiving dinner, eat turkey, everyone makes recipes. That’s fun.”

Jordan Billingsley

Jordan Billingsley

“My favorite holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving because both of these holidays have good time with family but probably prefer christmas. I can have family time, presents, I usually go back home and hang out with my family, see uncle and grandma, like the same state as me, and we get together at a christmas party and eat food. That's fun.”

Kanwalpreet Kaur, Criminal Justice major

Kanwalpreet Kaur, Criminal Justice major

“My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because the whole family gets together and eats together. We usually do each family member bring different Indian traditional food.”

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